Fat gets a bad reputation. Everywhere you look, there are low-fat, non-fat, reduced fat options of everything. It can be hard to navigate the dairy section of the grocery store when you have no idea what’s healthy and what’s not.
Get ready for a knowledge bomb…..fat is good for you!
Not all fat (obviously), but some fats are better for you than others.
Plus they taste amazing. Don’t deny it.
And they can help you with weight loss. WHAATTT?!
I know, it’s a new concept. Except not really.
Research proves that full-fat dairy and other naturally occurring fats are actually good for you. In moderation, they can help you maintain a healthy weight long-term.
Why should you eat more fats? Here’s why:
1. They support our energy level.
Fat contains 9 calories per gram. Carbohydrates only contain 4 calories per gram. Carbs are our fast and quick source of energy (aka, sugar high) and are easy to burn through. Fats are our long term source of energy, and take longer to break down. This means more consistent energy throughout the day, so you can kill your afternoon workout or just make it through your 9-5.
2. They keep us full.
Because fat is more difficult to break down, it keeps us full longer. This means less over eating and more pound droppin’. Boom.
3. They boost our metabolism.
Eating healthy fats regularly boosts our metabolism. Especially MCTs (medium chain triglycerides), which are much easier to digest and absorb than some other fats, and are easily turned into energy instead of into fat storage. Coconut oil, for example, is loaded with MCTs. You can also buy MCT oil to add to food, smoothies, or your coffee.
4. They aren’t chemical s!@# storms.
Low fat and reduced fat food items are terrible for you. They are altered from their original form, making them more processed and less natural. All their health benefits are pretty much stripped right out of them. They also have not been shown to help with weight loss AT ALL. In fact, eating natural full-fat foods and dairy products (such as heavy cream, regular cream cheese, etc.) in moderation, have been shown to help you lose more weight than buying all the processed crap.
***Naturally occurring saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and MCTs all have their place in a healthy diet and can all aid in weight loss. Yes, even the saturated fats in dairy.
The only fats I would not recommend eating regularly are trans fats. There are some naturally occurring trans fats in dairy products and some meats. However, the naturally occurring trans fats have not been linked to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity like the trans fats from processed foods are.
So what fats should you use? This is a list of all the healthy fats I have in my kitchen at this very moment:
- Full fat cream cheese
- Heavy cream
- Coffee Mate Natural Bliss Creamer (made with heavy cream and natural sugar)
- Avocado
- Chia Seeds
- Almonds, Walnuts, and Pumpkin seeds
- Olive Oil
- Ground flaxseed
- Ghee
- Coconut Oil
- Eggs
- Tuna
- Full fat string cheese
- Salmon
- Coconut milk
Notice that all of these food items come with additional health benefits (fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, etc).
So when you’re meal planning this weekend, take the plunge and go for the full fat cream cheese and grab some avocados. Make some chia seed pudding or some protein coffee with cream. #winning !
***What would you say your #1 barrier to weight loss is?
***How are you going to add in some healthy fats to your diet this week?
Comment below!
xoxo Megan
Libbie says
Amazing post!!! Thank you for all the great info and reassurance that some fats (especially MCT and animal fats…yummmm) can be really good for us!!! And that all those processed low-fat snacks are the worst! A great read is Nina Teicholz’s “BIG FAT SURPRISE” (spoiler alert..she says the same thing!) Love the blog!!!!
Megan Byrd, RD says
Of course! Thanks for the blog love! I’ve found that a lot of low-fat snacks and foods actually have more sugar and salt added to them to make them taste good. So they really aren’t healthier at all! That sounds likes a good read Libbie! I’ll have to check that out. 🙂