Acorn Squash Thanksgiving Salad with Creamy Maple Dressing

What you'll need: Acorn squash, oil, maple syrup, cinnamon, sea salt, mixed greens, hazelnuts, dried cranberries, pomegranate seeds, parmesan cheese, apple cider vinegar, and dijon mustard.

Cut the ends off your acorn squash, then slice it in half, and core it with a spoon.

Slice the acorn squash into 1/2 inch slices and set in a medium bowl.

Toss the sliced squash in oil, maple syrup, cinnamon, and sea salt until well coated.

Spread evenly on a lined sheet pan, and bake for 15-16 minutes.

Meanwhile, make the maple dressing. Mix together oil, apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, dijon mustard, and salt in a jar and set aside.

After the 15-16 minutes is done, add hazelnuts to the sheet pan, and bake for 3 more minutes.

Allow your squash and hazelnuts to cool, then assemble your salad with greens, dried cranberries, pomegranate seeds, and parmesan cheese shavings.

Done! Perfect to serve on Thanksgiving!